I forgot my password. How do I update it?

Screenshot of the sociability app showing how to reset password

Enter your email in the login screen. You will come to a screen that asks you to enter your password. Click on the link that says “Forgot your password” and follow the instructions to reset your password.

I forgot my password. How do I update it?

Screenshot of the sociability app showing how to reset password

Enter your email in the login screen. You will come to a screen that asks you to enter your password. Click on the link that says “Forgot your password” and follow the instructions to reset your password.

I forgot my password. How do I update it?

Screenshot of the sociability app showing how to reset password

Enter your email in the login screen. You will come to a screen that asks you to enter your password. Click on the link that says “Forgot your password” and follow the instructions to reset your password.